
Creation of the Waste Management Competence Center at Pannon University

Amount of support: HUF 2.3 billion (100% support intensification)
Consortium leader: University of Pannon (HUF 2.1 billion)
Consortium member: Pannon Novum (0.2 billion)
Project duration: 01.03.2023. – 28.02.2027 (48 months, 4 working periods)

Short summary:

The main goal of the project is to create a waste management competence center at the consortium leader university. In order to achieve the goal, 5 main directions have been designated, among which we can find the development of sorting technology, biological utilization, chemical and mechanical utilization, the formation of public attitudes, and the development of a circular ecosystem supervised and led by our organization. In order to fulfill the goal of the major, entrepreneurial attitude formation and a detailed, comprehensive innovation ecosystem model are being prepared.
