Title of the project: Reducing the industry 4.0 skills shortage by developing young people's digital competencies
Project duration:01.04.2020- 30.09.2022
Board of Education for Vienna
BFI Burgenland Vocational Training Institute
Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Nonprofit Ltd.
Nagykanizsa Vocational Center
Vas County & Self-Government Office of Vas County
Short description of the project:
Similarly, to large parts of Europe the AT-HU border region also faces the problem of a skilled workers shortage in industry 4.0, the cause of which lies in the increased demand placed on the respective competences. Innovative cross-border training measures are necessary to alleviate the consequences of the migration of skilled workers in the project region.
The overall project objective is to sensitise young people (12-24 yrs) to apprenticeship training and through appropriate upskilling prepare them for the labour market, but also to improve the image of apprenticeship training as well as the identification of future careers with a shortage of skilled workers and to facilitate cross-border exchange. Since the target group is "digital native" (Prensky, 2001), growing up with digital tools and media, their way of thinking and learning must be adapted to vocational orientation. Within the framework of DigiComp 4.0, young people are to be introduced to the industrial sector via vocational orientation measures and training, and the necessary digital skills are to be imparted in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in industry.The innovative core outputs are the regional knowledge hubs and their cross-border network, where solutions on topics such as vocational orientation for the job world 4.0, trial training and industry 4.0 are offered together with stakeholders.The know-how will be based on analysis of the qualification needs of industry 4.0, (trainer) trainings.Vocational orientation workshops for young people will be offered and a ´Serious Game´ for vocational orientation will be created.