

Duration: 01.04.2024-30.09.2026

ERFA: 561.626,41 EUR

Project budget: 830.344,03 EUR

Project partners:

  • Lead partner: Pannon Novum Nonprofit Ltd.
  • BFI Burgenland Vocational Training Institute
  • Board of Education for Vienna
  • Nagykanizsa Vocational Training Centre
  • Vas Count Government Office


The overall objective of the project is to develop the digital competences of young people about to choose a career in accordance with the needs of the small workforce, as well as to promote vocational training and expand career guidance methods with new technologies. The project focuses on IT professions, as the spread of technological innovations in the digitalized world at the speed of light not only increases expectations for employees, but also creates new positions that did not exist a few years ago. In addition to programmers and software developers, system administrators have also appeared by now, professions such as data miner, process automation manager or cybersecurity specialist.
