Title of the project: Cooperation of institutions for the economic development of the cross-border region by developing web-based support
Duration of the project: 1 January 2018 – 30 June 2019 (18 months)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of county Zala (lead partner)
- Regional Chamber of Economy of Pomurska region
- Scientific Research Center Bistra Ptuj
- Pannon Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Non-profit Ltd.
The general goal of our project is the enhancement of the economic development of the Hungarian-Slovenian cross-border region through the cooperation of institutions involved in the territorial and regional development of the project area and the strengthening of the economic cohesion. By encouraging the cooperation of these institutions the project will significantly develop the cross-border connections in several aspects of the economic life. The general goals of the project can only be achieved by developing the existing institutional connections, coordinating the missing connections, strengthening the communication (through the improvement of language and professional skills) and utilizing the advantages of networking. It is necessary to involve the interested partners and relevant institutions in all activities of the project. This enables us to accomplish the project in accordance with the needs and expectations of the region. We would also like to have an impact on the relevant local and public actors and authorities with this project. The project supports the priority axis specific goal of the Cooperating Region directly because it contributes to increase the cooperation capacity in order to reach a new quality level of the cross-border connections by computer program development, professional and language competence development and thematic programmes like conferences, workshops, networking events.
Main activities:
T.1.1 Renewal of institutional relations
T.1.1.1 Updating contact database
T.1.1.2 Symposium on relation development
T.1.2 Organizing professional workshops
T.1.2.1 Workshop in Hungary
T.1.2.2 Workshop in Slovenia
T.1.2.3 Mutual harmonization workshop
T.1.3 Needs assessment via personal interviews