
Trendig PLUS

Program: Interreg VI-A Austria-Hungary

Budget: 620.508 EUR

ERFA: 435.674 EUR

Duration: 01.05.2024- 31.10.2026

Contact: Roland Dancsecs,


The overall goal of the project is to provide intermediary economic actors in the AT-HU region (e.g. economic developers, chambers and other intermediary organizations) with validated cross-border knowledge transfer solutions that can be used to sustainably support the digital transformation of smaller businesses and better smart specialization their integration, allowing them to increase their economic added value and, through cross-border interactions, the economic performance of the entire program region.

The lead partner of the two-and-a-half-year project starting on May 1, 2024 is the Vas County Government Office, and the cooperating partners are the organizations of the previous project (Trendig 2020-2022).

The use of developed knowledge transfer methods makes it easier for smaller businesses and emerging entrepreneurs to access and use digital technologies (especially in the case of new trends such as the applicability of artificial intelligence, cyber security or sustainability issues related to digitization, etc.), and thus supports adaptation to smart specialization.

Education and (vocational) training institutions are also actively involved in the development of entrepreneurial skills, so that the necessary skills are available in time. For this purpose, a toolkit will be developed and shared.

Pannon Novum actively participates in all activities, taking a leading role in survey and analysis work, developing strategy and action plan, networking and further development of the digital platform.

Expected results:

- Trendig Plus network;

- Trendig Plus strategy and action plan, including entrepreneurial digital recommendations;

- Toolkit tailored to different target groups: students, students, start-ups and startups, as well as already operating SMEs

- Application of knowledge transfer formats and itineraries in companies; 20+ Austrian and 20+ Hungarian companies and min. 50-50 future entrepreneurs (e.g. students, apprentices).


Project partners:

- Vas County Government Office (LP)

- Pannon Novum Nonprofit Kft.

- Innovation Region Styria GmbH.

- Weizer Energie-Innovations-Zentrum GmbH.
