InoPlaCe - Improving of Key Supporting Services for Young Innovators across Central Europe
The project idea borne as the some of the projects have been faced by the facts, that there are more and more often asked by several actors across innovation systems, mainly private ones or members of RTDs services for various kind of services supporting their innovation activities, or have been contacted by so called idea owners with the same issue. PPs realized it is not so simple to advice as lot of service are not provided directly by them and to navigate how their needs could be covered by current services provided in the region by the other service providers. Other important point in generation of the project idea was, that through the simple analysis it was realized the most problematic to find the right solution for their needs is coming from side of young talents, young entrepreneurs, and researchers. It was also realized that their needs are relatively lot of different from the request of more experienced ones.
Same needs were identified by more PPs independently as there is common knowledge between them coming from participation in other transnational or interregional initiatives it was simple to identify common needs, interests and objectives. It was also concluded that proposed activities are strongly supported by relevant public authorities as it is in line with the innovation policies and regional strategies and there is also need addressed by project results.
Project overall objective is to improve framework conditions for innovation for the specific end beneficiaries Young Innovators. Young Innovators are targeted as they are realized by PPs as one of key driven forces for development of Knowledge based economy in regions and brining to regions high value of innovation potentials. That very wide overall objective is targeted by following 3 general objectives of the project:
1. Develop transnational action plan for development and improvement of Key Services for Young Innovators
2. Improving access of Young Innovators to the already provided services supporting innovation
3. Develop or significantly improve one service in each participating region through realization Pilot Action as transfer of one identified Good PracticeSelected general objectives prove relation to Enhancing Framework Conditions and general Innovation Priority significantly as:
- Transnational action plan bringing together experiences, proposing objectives, priorities and actions is valuable transnational strategic tool resulting in development of new services and general frameworks for Young Innovators in participating regions but also in other CE regions thanks to related dissemination activities creating awareness there.
- Improving access is realized based on regional mapping and follow-up innovative delivering the information to end beneficiaries through InoPlace platform. This platform will guide Young Innovators in solving their needs through regional services. It will significantly improve efficient usage of already existed regional frameworks.
- New or improved services targeting on Young Innovators will be launch by PPs in their regions, they will transferred in framework of TAP. Providing of them will directly contribute to improvement of the regional innovation frameworks
Overall and general objective of the project is followed by other specific objectives securing the most valuable results of the project:
1. Deep involvement of end beneficiaries – PPs concluded it is bringing significant value and improved relevance of achieved results to the end beneficiaries (Young Innovators) if they will be closely involved in project activities. Project for that implementing the Regional Innovation Lab methodology
2. Securing sustainability of project – there are 2 most important results of the project activities – transnational service InoPlace (based InoPlace platform – tool) and 1 supporting service in the framework of the 20 Key Services per region. PPs agreed on sustainability for at least 3 years after project closure for both types. This will be also secured by Cooperation Agreement.
3. Development of transferable results – PPs would like to transfer project most important results to other regions – it is solved through open environment of InoPlace platform in case of transnational service and also through the Good Practices Compendium and Report of transnational monitoring and evaluation of Pilot Action ( GP transfers) for the development of the new regional services.4. Dissemination of project results – is very strong specific objective as the PPs aim is really create huge awareness across end beneficiaries in the regions regarding to new services and also aim of PPs is to create awareness across other actors and PA in regions and also at EU level. Comprehensive detailed and well balanced Communication plan directly targeted this important specific objective.
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Further information on http://inoplace.eu/